Not going out

Rain and wind and cold today so I've barely gone outside, not even to blip. The view from the kitchen sink with what is visible of the view. We had 20+ goldfinches on or under the feeders quite a lot of the time and they had emptied the big feeder by 12:00. So their personal slave went and refilled it and it's now about a third full. The woods behind are full of chirps and tweets and flitters, aswell as plenty of ground level activity on the leaf litter. Their hunt for food is our pleasure as normally they are well scattered throughout the big coniferous plantation and elusive.

We've moved everything back into our smart, newly decorated bedroom. LH remarked how bright and cheerful it appeared now it has lovely golden yellow walls (I think he was rather doubtful initially!). I've done some minor decluttering but it's more case of shifting things from one room to another which just means I've transferred the problem elsewhere ...

More carpet cleaning - backing ourselves into a corner!

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