Happy Winter/Summer Solstice

I wish those of you in the Northern Hemisphere a Happy Winter Solstice (5:23pm here in G'ville) Tonight marks the longest night of the year, then they begin to shorten. Also wishing my friends in the Southern Hemisphere a very Happy Summer Solstice. Hope you enjoy your Longest Day!

I was wondering how I would celebrate the Solstice on Blip today. Not to worry...this beautiful creature was 'stranded' in Connie's bathtub. She's a Spotted Wolf Spider Rabidosa punctulata, sometimes called the 'Dotted wolf spider'. Females can grow to 11-17 mm, that's it's body length, not counting all those long legs. She was very calm as I scooped her up with our 'critter net' and moved her to a safe area outside. I placed her down on a holiday catalog so she could enjoy the season a bit. I moved her into place for this photo, by hand. No fear, as they are not aggressive Aracnids. I thanked her as she scurried off to seek shelter. I couldn't have asked for a more special subject for my Solstice Blip! :)

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