"Please, Sir, I Want Some More"

Woke to what I thought was piano music, tinkling beautifully, and then realised it was Rodrigo's sheep's bells around our building. Croissants with marmalade, then church round the front of the castle, then down to the Adega for our weekly catch up with the men (as we were in Lisbon yesterday), including Zé Maria, some good singing, and this small mummy begging for scraps.

Church again in the replica church at Luz, a monthly event with an excellent singer leading the music. It's gone down to -2.5°C (that's 27.5F), but still, the church doors wide open to the Lake, and absolutely no heating; we and Ricardo were beyond cold by the end, jigging around and sitting squashed against each other, trying to maintain some heat. The old ladies around us seemed fine, wonder what their secret is... clothes looked like ours, maybe they wear fur underclothes?

Dinner together, then taking Ricardo home to Évora, cups of tea at his, back home in the Padre's Mercedes, and now Blipping at past midnight again. Been sprinkling stars and hearts, but please forgive scant commenting.

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