I was up and out quite early today as I was meeting Jenny, a friend I haven't seen for well over a year, in Jack's.  We had a great catch-up and hopefully won't leave it as long before the next one!  

The challenge for today’s Mono Monday photograph was the word “Celebration” and I had been wondering what I could photograph when I remembered that our grandson had bought me a bottle of Prosecco for my birthday.  We then had to find a champagne flute, and I had to enlist Mr. HCB’s help, because it was on the top shelf in the kitchen cupboard.

So a bottle of Prosecco together with a lovely champagne flute, but it lacked something - and then it came to me - CHOCOLATE!  I had to take the cellophane wrapping off the chocolates and boy, did they smell good - but I have resisted temptation - so far!

This box of After Eight Mints has been sitting in the hall cupboard since well before Christmas and I am aware that the “use by” date is January 2019, so decided that I could use them as one of my props and perhaps finish them before the end of the month, but not until tomorrow at least, because today is a Fast Day!

So to celebrate the 5th birthday of Mono Monday, and with thanks to everyone who has hosted this over the past five years, enjoy a glass of Prosecco and an After Eight Mint with me - that’s if you are not participating in DryJanuary, it’s not a Fast Day and you like Prosecco and chocolates.  I guess in this house today it’s just Mr. HCB - so here are some toasts to all those reading : Cheers, Bottoms Up, Down the Hatch, Budmo, Proost, Santé, Prost, Sláinte, Salute, Salud, Skål, Lechyd da, Kippis, and not forgetting our son in Vietnam - Một hai ba, yo!

“May we get what we want,
     May we get what we need,
          But may we never get what we deserve.”

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