Modern Woodcut: Pennsylvania Winter

I stopped for 15 minutes at a little place called Bernel Road Park on my way in to work. There is an inviting pathway from the parking lot that provides a pretty easy walk; a quick one, too. Just what I needed for one of my morning photo jaunts.

There was a bit of snow on the ground - more will be coming soon, I hear; possibly LOTS more! - and I was admiring the way it looked, very textured. This is clearly NOT the road less traveled: on the pathway, there are plenty of footprints. So many patterns to admire.

I love to shoot in monochrome in winter when there's snow, especially if there are neat clouds too. I thought my end result looked almost like a woodcut. Very black and white, featuring interesting textures and patterns in the snow.

Here is a seasonal song to accompany this black and white image: Tori Amos, with Winter.

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