Life in Canada

By MissMacPic


We have a 'triple threat' storm on the way for the weekend so I just had to get out in the woods in case I am snowed in or decide that the windchill is too severe for me to venture out in.  The good news, is that my immune system seems to be very strong and I seem to be fighting off the bug really well (especially compared to my students and colleagues!).  The better news is that I saw a Rusty Blackbird!! 

As soon as I saw one lone blackbird among the cardinals, I became suspicious.  One look at those gorgeous eyes and I  knew exactly what I was looking at.  So great to see it again!

Now I am home and getting ready to completely chill with some Netflix while organizing some photos from my summer holidays (a tad late!).

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend...and I do thank you for all the get well wishes.  I think all that positivity and caring went a long way  x

D x

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