Silly Saturday

This probably needs a bit of explanation...

I needed an EB as it's been a busy day - shopping with my Dad this morning then taking him to the cinema this afternoon.

"Ah!" I thought - "We're going to see 'Stan & Ollie' at the cinema - they're very silly: I'll take a photo of a poster about the film outside the cinema, that'll make an easy Silly Saturday blip."

But when we got there, the poster boards were empty (left-hand photo). "Oh bother! - Silly Odeon*, not putting any posters on their boards."

So I risked being told off, and kept my phone out until the BBFC screen came up and grabbed a shot on the phone camera. (Silly me, I forgot to turn off the flash - how [not] to attract attention to one's misdemeanours! However, happily the photo came out OK, and I put the phone away quickly).

When I got home, I thought. "Hang on, I could find a poster on the web and photograph that from the computer screen." Hence this rather silly triptych.

You'll see it was a "PG" film - so just as well we had my Dad with us...! (Lol.)

(Thanks to blipper Dollydoug who recommended the film in her blip on Thursday - it was certainly a good film. And of course, as always to admirer for hosting Silly Saturday.)

So my idea of a quick EB took a bit more time than I'd planned. How silly.

(*Other cinemas are available.)

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