
For the past few years I've kept an on-and-off record of my sewing. The commitment of blip keeps me doing it daily but the same most definitely can't be said of this other diary! It generally gets updated in lumps which gives me interesting feedback, mainly one of genuine surprise at how many projects I've done which have slipped from my memory. Again, blip has been invaluable as I've snapped photos of various bits and pieces.

What it also shows me is my butterfly approach; there are items that have been on going for far too long. I notice that this time last year I committed to finish various quilt tops before starting anything else!! Hahaha!!

I actually entered my workroom in order to sit and sew a small project which has a deadline but I finally had to accept the clutter needed sorting first. A good job to get done on a dull, cold day.

Irritatingly, I only remembered that it was the RSPB Garden Birdwatch after the sun had set ... And the beautiful Jay visited us today too.

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