Its been that sort of day....

The threatened snow didn’t materialise instead we had a cold, wet miserable day. Fortunately, the weather wasn’t too bad for Barbara and David travelling down from Edinburgh, they made good time considering.

We had another major caring crisis this morning which did little to lighten the mood. We did manage to pack and get ready to leave for Gatwick tomorrow, I sourced some seed potatoes, went into town and to the gym. No luck with fingerless gloves. The internet is full of them but not a pair to be had in town. Susan managed to get out for a walk in the rain which may have helped a little, even though the rain made it dreary.

Great timing meant that the sausage, mash and red onion gravy was ready just as Barbara and David rang the bell. They’re staying at Doreen’s and were meant to take her back to her house for the first time in nearly 3 weeks . It didn’t happen.

The rain has turned to snow this evening. A gentle, if wet dusting as they left.

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