
By tondrijfhamer

That one phonecall....

...and our world turned up side down.

What was a normal Friday turned into hell and horror during the night onto Saturday.
I'm backblipping this day and next few days, because I wasn't able to blip for a while. Actually I'm still not. I can feel tears coming up behind my eyes while typing all this. Here's why:

Bas is in London on a school trip as I mentioned in previous blips, but things didn't go as planned at all.
We got a phonecall in the middle of the night from his schoolteacher. She told us in tears that Bas has had a terrible accident and was on his way to a hospital. She called us from the ambulance he was in at that moment.
I still get ice and ice cold when I think of that moment, relive that moment, even now I'm typing this 5 days later.

Long story short: Bas' hand got stuck in the escalator of the underground at station Tower Hill. He's badly wounded and brought to a hospital where he'll go into surgery.

Annemarie and I stood nailed to the ground when we heard all this in our bedroom and didn't know what to do.
But we had to do a lot!! We had to go to London immediately.
And that's exactly what we did. I called my sister and told her everything. Of course we could bring Daan and Spike to her and Peter right away. They would be taken care of. Then I got us plane tickets from Groningen Airport Eelde to London Southend.

At 7.30am we were airborne on our way to our son.

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