Tiny Tuesday, something weird

When I get ready to go out I put my earrings in. I keep them on a lovely China tray on the dressing table and usually wear the same ones. This morning I went to get my usual dangly ones and spotted these in the tray. I haven't seen them for years and I don't wear them as studs hurt my ears. I can't remember where I keep them but I thought they were in the box with grandma's locket in a jewellery box. My mum bought me them for the Christmas before she died 13 years ago along with a carrier bag container! I remember her saying she wanted to get her girls something nice. I've worn them all day and still have no idea how they got there.
Had a lovely lunch, tea and cake and catch up with Breeda in Ilkley today. A place my mum loved so I've thought of her quite a bit due to the earrings and Ilkley.

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