
By GracieG

Are You Looking at Me?

B and I went for a walk around Pensthorpe Natural Park this morning, and we visited the flamingo and crane wetland area.

Pensthorpe run a conservation programme raising and releasing cranes into the wild in the UK.  This is one of the three resident Eurasian Cranes that are kept at Pensthorpe.  They are all males, Dennis, Pippen and Merry, who were not suitable for release as part of the conservation programme as they all had to have cataract operations.  It's only when I processed the photo that I realised how many tiny coloured feathers they have on their head, rather pretty, although this one looks rather amusing if I'm honest.
I have included a reflection of one of the other cranes as an extra as I liked the colours of the sky and foliage, and the patterns in the water. 

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