A promise

.When I was a student I acted in an Edinburgh University performance of the Chester Miracle Play that tells the story of Noah (the one adapted so wonderfully by Britten for his “Noye’s Fludde”).

It contains at the end this promise from God, words I always remember when I see such a sight:

“My bowe betweyne you and me
In the firmamente shalbe,
By everye tocken that you shall see,
That suche vengance shall cease.
Man shall never more
Be wasted with watter, as he hath bene before;
But for synne that greveth me sore,
Therfore this vengance was.
Wher cloudes in the welckine bene,
That same bowe shalbe seene,
In tocken that my wrath and teene
Shall never this wrocken be.
The stringe is torned towardes you,
And towarde me is bente the bowe,
That suche weither shall never shewe,
This behighte I thee.“

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