It wasn't on 34th Street, but...

... it was a minor Christmas miracle, on Lake Road, Ambleside.

She who must be obeyed thought we'd take a look at Hayes and see what they had in the way of tree lights etc. Not to mention a meal somebody else cooked.

There was "plenty of watter in t'becks" and a few cascades appeared in the line-up.
For later, we decide to dedicate a day to the Lion and the Lamb rock formation. I was fair to middling chuffed with a wall ornament I shot, purely on a whim: and successfully removed 2 price tags with nary a trace.

The clincher, however, was a shot of our coffee spoon.
I can hear both of you saying
"WADAYA MEAN, your coffee spoon?"

Well, it befell thusly...

You know how other folk's babies are always irresistible? This little lady appeared at the table beside us and, inevitably, a minor fuss was made admiring the sprog. Mam prophesied a tantrum because ...
"We've forgotten her spoon and it's her 1st trip out since I stared to wean her."
Neither of us like stirring coffee with a strip of kindling wood, so we carry a spoon, either in my rucksack or Gaffer's handbag and on one trip out we found ourselves spoonless. A set of 3 baby spoons were the 1st we saw, Q.E.D. (Question Easily Done, as our old chemi teacher used to say)

Mam was gobsmacked,
"How come you have a baby spoon in your bag?" which, of course, enabled a shot nae tribble.

The meal somebody else cooked was a good un. Gaffer says "Old Ma Cueto", of Chip-shop fame (In Maryport) and used to get her fish direct from the boats as they came in. She rated Hayes' Haddock, chips and mushies as good as Ma cueto's.

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