A day in the life

By Shelling

Plants and murder

I remained mainly indoors today, watering my pelargoniums while the outside was presenting its assortment of possible weathers. Some of the plants might need replanting and maybe some cutting as well, I've read there's only three reasons for cutting a pelargonium and that is when they are "ugly" whatever that means, if you don't have room for them or if you want to make new plants. Mine are already flowering so I won't do any big work on them. Maybe some needs new soil, maybe some needs trimming and I'm sure I could use some more plants. I don't think any of them could be called ugly though, I'm quite fond of them as they are and soon they will be moved outside to a sheltered place, where they live all summer.

I just watched an old Sherlock Holmes movie, "The woman in green" from 1945 with Basil Rathbone as Holmes and Basil Bruce as dr. Watson. A true classic. Fascinating to see the way telling a story has changed. It was quite amusing to watch but I suppose it was more exciting in '45. Every scene is shot in a studio, maybe there weren't any credible out door settings right after the war. There's no blood and hardly any violence at all, people must have had enough of violence and misery by then, also the story is very easy to follow with extremely easy-to-understand characters where the good wins and, in this case, the bad in the shape of Professor Moriarty -kills himself. Sir Conan Doyle hardly had anything to do with this story though, his books usually have more substance to plot and the characters. 

Tomorrow is a sleep in day, no deeds in the morning. Lovely.

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