After the Front and Blow.......

For 2 days, there has been a low, frontal boundary that has moved across the US from the south and Louisiana, northeast through Alabama, Tennessee, the Carolinas and northward towards New England.  The low has spawned tornadoes  which destroyed a large swath of the covered land.  Some people and children died, homes were reduced to toothpicks, and everything in it's way was ravaged.
     My part of this weather phenomenon happened today.  The tailed of the front crossed the Florida peninsula from Tampa all the way up our coast.  We had torrential rain, strong thunderstorms and winds of 36-40 mph.  We escaped any tornadoes, though I am not sure what happened up on the panhandle.  
     My collage tonight is of a retention pond, filled with rain, in the evening sunset light, with reflections.  There is a good breeze and with  it is coming really cool, dry air..( the other side of the front).  It will be great sleeping tonight!

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