Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Spring in Argyll

What a strange day. We did our usual thing in mid-afternoon (I know - we keep going out so late, but I'd been at the supermarket in before lunch, and ...) and looked out of the back and front windows to see where the weather looked better. Big piles of cumulus to the north suggested that the sunny south of the peninsula was the best shot, and it seemed we had chosen well. The far end of the Loch Striven road tends to be a walk we  save for a good day - it's a half-hour drive to get there - and it was truly glorious. The photo above is very typical of the hillside above the loch - a carpet of deep bluebells under the vibrant green of the new leaves on the left while  the other trees are either struggling into leaf or have died and merely complicate the view. And over it all that fabulously blue sky ...

Until we were on our way back to the car. About thirty minutes away from it, I felt the unmistakable plop of a sizeable raindrop on my bare arm - and turned round to see great billowing greyness above the hills and spreading towards us. And then we remembered last evening's weather map - the dark blue and bright green of heavy showers creeping their way over Cowal. The sun was still shining, I was still in a T shirt and trousers - but it was raining. No doubt about it.

The evening was really quite dismal, and now a cold northerly wind has made me shut one of the bedroom windows. So my extra photo is of the view just before I got into the car this afternoon.

Changeable, or what?

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