Popeth ond heblaw sinc y gegin

Popeth ond heblaw sinc y gegin ~ Everything except the kitchen sink

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Gadael y Brifysgol angen llawer o waith a llawer o amser hefyd. Rhaid i mi gwblhau'r proses rhoi gwaith a gwybodaeth i fy nghydweithwyr, llenwi ffurflenni i ddiwedd gwaith a dechrau pensiwn. Rydw i wedi clirio fy nesg - yn arbennig pethau personol. Rydw i'n rhifo'r dyddiau a dydw i ddim yn siŵr os oes digon ohonyn nhw.

Rydw i'n edrych ar bethau fel roedd e'n am yr amser olaf hefyd.  Ar ôl bron ugain mlynedd yn cerdded y coridorau hyn, mae'n teimlo rhyfedd y bydda i'n fod estron i'r lle hwn yn llai na tair wythnos.

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Leaving the University needs a lot of work and a lot of time too. I have to complete the process of giving work and information to my colleagues, filling in forms to the end of work and starting a pension. I've cleared my desk - especially personal things. I count the days and I'm not sure if there's enough of them.

I also look at things like it was for the last time. After nearly twenty years walking these corridors, it feels odd that I will be a stranger to this place less than three weeks.

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