La vida de Annie

By Annie

Damp.. the park today. Lured out by the absence of rain and the presence of sunshine - yes, astounding I know - Minnie and I went for a nice long walk. The ground was soggy to say the least. There was a huge feeding frenzy near the boat house as many people were trying to feed the ducks/geese/swans/moorhens. The disturbance came from a huge flock of seagulls who were swooping around and catching the bread before it hit the water. They kept landing on the backs of the swans to avoid being pecked by the geese. One of the swans growled (not hissed) at Minnie and she was quite spooked and ran around me, tying up my legs in her lead and making taking shots of the mayhem quite impossible. They should invent cordless leads like cordless camera remotes....

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