And again...

Another very early start (hard to resist bouncing out of bed when it’s full on sun before 7am!). Series of good humoured productive meetings and some desk time where I was delighted to make good progress on one of my less favourite jobs of the year. Walked over to C&A’s for dinner with J...went via the Royal Mile and spoilt for choice of sights to blip. Lovely to get out in the summery weather and get some steps in the bag, although a few days in unfamiliar sandals has left me with blisters - the downside of a shift in the season! Poor V on her holiday is missing all this and sending forlorn texts from an unusually wet and cool Sicily.
Lovely evening of vegan food and jolly chat about knitting, conferences, home improvements, the Deep South of the USA, tour guides and convents. Home lateish...

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