Welsh Poppies and Cornflowers

Len was up before 6 am to get to the polling station where he will stay until 10 pm tonight, as a polling clerk. Tomorrow, he has to go to the count and on Sunday evening he has to join in the verification process. There isn't that much money in it.

Meanwhile, I drifted back off to sleep, waking shortly before 8.30am. Basil was not at all pleased that I shut him in the kitchen before going off to Aqua Aerobics with Funky Karen. First of all he ran out into the garden and I debated the wisdom, or not, of leaving him there, but then he came in again and tried to hide under the table.

Karen was wearing new pants. 'Your Pace or Mine?' on one leg, and 'Combat Dollies' on the other. I suspect she's into MMA or Kick Boxing as well as swimming.

A quiet afternoon during which I tried to clear the dining table of clutter. Shredded quite a few junk mail letters. Can't see any difference in the clutter.

Then into the garden to garner the poppies. I took a series of shots without the cornflowers and then another series with them in the vase. I think the blue acts as a counterfoil to the yellow. Diffused the light from the window with a sheet of tracing paper. There are still highlights on the vase on the far side from the window, and I used a 'flag' too.

Must take Basil for a run on Beacon Hill now. Hasn't it been a wonderful day for weather?

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