First Day of Winter

…and I’m not kidding. Heavy rain fell in the night. I woke to snow plastered to the south windows. At dawn I saw snow everywhere, on the ground and on the trees. However, when I went out to the road to get my newspaper I found that the snow was floating on sheets of water. The above photo was taken later when there was more light.

The high for the day was 4.2ºC at 4pm, and the low was 0.09º. The total rainfall (plus melted snow) in the last 24 hours was 72mm. This might not sound much to people who live in wet places, but it’s massive for here. For the whole of May we had 35.5mm. The total rainfall for the first five months this year was 216mm, an average of 43mm per month.

Needless to say it’s been a bit miserable today.

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