wash the cobwebs away

Despite knowing that doing so would be likely to result in having to clean sand out of various bits of it four days later I went for a reasonable-length bicycling today to try out some of the bits of the surroundings not easily accessible on foot without a couple of hours to spare. There's a dedicated cycle track hiding next to the railway heading north (beyond the shared-use roadside path) which has yet to be annexed by golfbastards and which eventually led through Troon, past the beach where we went last year which looks quite different in the winter at high tide. As well as sand there were a few spots where the drainage things in the sea wall were clogged, resulting in puddles of sea across the bike path which had to be trundled through when the presence of other beings on the path required it. Had I had more time I would have attempted more variation on the way back but only had time to scuttle up around Dundonald and Symington before re-acquiring the coastal path somewhere back around the Troonish beach. I got nice and soggy up on the moors and got rained on again later in the day when the fractious wingpiglet needed to be dragged out to get him to sleep a little bit to stave of greater fractiousness in the evening. Getting onto the beach was a bit tricky in the absence of a DDA-compliant non-sea-wasted slope but moving about on it was reasonably simple provided the pushchair was instead pulled.

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