Flag Waving

Dana and I spent more time than we wanted to getting things done at the VA Hospital in Temple.  No emergency, just a routine wound check on the site on the back of his neck where he had the infected cyst removed about two weeks ago.  I was very nervous about what they might say I was doing wrong as the "nurse" since Dana couldn't do it himself, but they assured me that I was doing everything very well and it was healing as it should.  That was SUCH a relief!  The rest of the time we were looking for information on the Agent Orange registry just to be sure that Dana wasn't eligible to be on it----he's not, for which I am glad!
Then, of course, there is travel time---an hour each way and looking for parking and finding my blip.  I wanted to do something with the flag since that would represent where we spent much of our day, but I wanted it to be respectful, as well. This shot fit the bill for me.

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