
Apparently someone has just done a survey proving that men are no worse at multitasking than women. It said they are equally bad.
I don't believe it.
I did a bit myself today.

Having been briefly released from grandparent duties I shopped and packed to go back to the snow tomorrow.
We had agreed to take Elizabeth and Hugh skiing as Graham can't get away from work at this time of the year. That was before he decided to take the whole family in July (with us to help out). We had aready booked this trip so it was still on.

Then Elizabeth had her appendix out last week so obviously she can't go and is very disappointed. There was much indecision during the week as to what to do but now we are taking Hugh and Adelaide.

Helen's fiance was also coming but he has been sent to Hong Kong to report on the troubles there so that is another disappointment. He may get back on Wednesday and be able to join us.
Long story short, it's been a rather chaotic week.

Anyway, while I was watering the plants (only seems to get done before we go away these days) I rang my sister Sally and also shot this over the back fence as my sole photo of the day. That's the multitasking.

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