Strange Timing

The hydrangeas in the bird sanctuary are finally beginning to bloom in the final days of August.  In the frontyard, the rhododendrons and cornflowers/bachelor buttons are popping out again (for the third time this summer).

I've made no progress on cleaning the vinyl siding but we are slowly progressing with yard projects.  We never finish as much as we want in one year, and the unexpected is always part of the equation.  Preparing the outside of the garage for cleaning,  Mr Mole jumped like he was shooting hoops again when Snakey slid out of the mulch bag pile.  A silent surprise!

Our neighbors next door with the excited untrained constantly barking dogs are moving.  The "for sale" sign went up today with "sale pending".  That's how quickly some homes go around here.   We'll miss the neighbors but obvs. not the dogs.

Thanks to Anni/BikerBear for hosting.

Happy weekend!

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