Daily Tales

By PamelaJ


The elder trees are now covered in elder berries. I don't know how I should use them, although I could make wine but that would be a lengthy job. Every year I make elderflower cordial when the trees are in flower but this year I missed the opportunity as the blossom coincided with my hospitalisation.

It hasn't been as hot today although the sun has shone and when the clouds have blown over it is been very warm .

I did some weeding in the garden but as it is very overgrown, my efforts were not noticed. Mr WW insisted I should not be exerting myself and he was pleased when my granddaughter and her mother came to visit and I had to stop. It was, however, good to get outside and do something purposeful in the garden.

Overall, its been a relaxing day, and I hope everyone has enjoyed the first day of September.

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