
Just a few of my button tins, which Mollie has trawled through to find 3 buttons for her top. We are having a push to get it finished before she goes back to uni at the weekend. I did the hem, she has chosen some buttons, and I've done a practice button hole. Tomorrow I will do the final bit - 3 button holes - or Mollie will!

Work was busy, and I spent all day just sorting out, to get my work in a position to start doing some actual ' work'. Tomorrow I will start to tackle the 17 pensions I need to have calculated by friday!! Should be fine if the phones are good to me.

I ended the day with a horrible headache. I guess from a day in front of the computer screens. This has gradually gone during the evening, but luckily Mollie cooked dinner. I repaid her with the sewing. When I've done this, I want to make myself a skirt with the material I bought at the beginning of the summer!! I haven't found a pattern yet so may have to make it up, as I know what I want.

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