United Indians of Milwaukee

I'd been so sad to hear that the Indian Festival on the Lakefront was cancelled this year due to lack of funds, as it was always such a fun festival to attend. So imagine my surprise when Tom, Mae and I went out for a walk today and heard drums beating. We turned the corner on our block and saw all kinds of people over at the park, so we walked toward it and saw the sign that said "United Indians of Milwaukee". I ran back home for my camera, then headed back to the park. It seems that one of the organizers of the Indian Festival lives here in St. Francis, so he suggested doing a smaller version of the Indian Festival & holding it in our park for the local tribes, and we enjoyed it. 
I had a great time at my reunion last night, and thank goodness they had our High School graduation pictures on our name tags, as there weren't  a lot of people who looked familiar to me until I looked at their pictures! Our reunion even made the 10:00 news last night as the station thought it was an unusual, interesting story. Our class of '69 was the first graduating class from our H.S.  Years later, when the H.S. closed, the city of Milwaukee bought it and it became the Police and Fire Training Facility. When the committee approached them to see if we could hold the reunion there, they said they never allow groups to use the facility, but that they would be honored to make an exception for us, since it was our school before it was their facility.  They were so accommodating for us. They had one Sargent and four Police officers there--the Sargent, who gave some opening remarks, said he'd heard what a rowdy bunch we were so he had officers there for crowd control, which got a big laugh!   Actually they were there to head tours through the school after dinner. Much of it looks the same, except for the basement, which now has an entire city street built there, complete with full sized cars. It's where the police academy recruits learn how to respond to a variety of situations. Great fun last evening, fun today, and more to come tomorrow when an excited little girl turns "4"!!  :))))

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