The art of dying

Well I have just come back from an extraordinary night out which ended with a session in a Death Café.
Only at the end, as the Death Café was winding up, did I realise that the young woman sitting next to me who was running the event  was  also the director and  choreographer Kally Lloyd-  Jones of Company Chordelia,  which had just performed  The Chosen, a ballet about dying,  at  the Macrobert Arts centre.
But what is a Death Café? Well, I knew of their existence so this was an opportunity to find out. We were only a small group of eight people seated around the table.
What had brought us here? The reasons varied (mine was curiosity) One young girl, a student was upfront: “Its Fresher’s week and this offered free tea and cakes.”
Another woman thought it was a Deaf Café, and someone else thought it would be an opportunity to meet the dancers. Most though told very moving personal experiences of deaths in there own families and wanted to share this experience with others.
Death remains a taboo subject in our society and Death Cafes provide a safe environment to talk about it. 
Here is something I learnt. If you know you have only a short time to live and have no money left then you can max out your credit card. The debt dies with you.
Oh, and by the way do you know about Coffin Clubs? They are big in New Zealand, a bit like sewing circles except you make your own coffin.
 For more info;
Company Chodelia:

: Death Cafe
Coffin Clubs:
Make your own coffin
(“ makers of fine underground furniture”)

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