Deep Dust

Continuing yesterday's theme, one of the results of the long drought is deep dust all around, especially at our gate. You can imagine how hard it is to get out and open and close the gate without getting covered in it, however carefully you put your feet down and however slowly Mike drives. I went out this morning to tread in it for a photo, you can see my flip flops - but got distracted by the gorgeous shadows - so the deep dust footprints are in the extra.

That's the thing - even though everything is distressingly dry, there is still so much beauty.

- hottest temperature today "only" 30°C, and positively cool in the early morning, Mike has ventured to take down one of our shade mats
- the Team have a language teacher, so grateful, hope it works out...
- making a creamy carrot soup for their tea here (in case they're not getting enough veggies, which I strongly suspect), and them asking for seconds

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