Dressing Up

We've had a busy day.  

First we went to the Steamboat Museum, and for a ride on a steamboat.  There were some dressing up clothes there, which CyclopsJnr had a go of (pictured).  We sailed his boat on the pond and had a lovely lunch there too.

Then we went to the park for a bit where CyclopsJnr found a tall firemans pole to slide down much to his liking.

After a brief break building a Lego anglerfish, we all went to feed the ducks.  There were more (aggressive) geese and (very aggressive) swans than ducks, and also a bunch of pigeons that landed on Grandma and Cyclops.  Anyway, some winged creatures were fed, no-one actually lost a finger, and much hilarity was enjoyed.

CyclopsJnr had tea and bedtime with Grandma, while Cyclops & MrsCyclops went out for dinner and the theatre.

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