Tiny snail

This snail was so small, but so perfect in every way. I went to a garden centre earlier in the week and they tried to sell me snail and slug bait. I am still trying to investigate more humane ways of stopping them from eating my seedlings. Wish me luck!

We spoke to Mr B this evening. He's back in Cairns, and looking forward to coming home tomorrow. We're looking forward to seeing him too.

It's Nikau's 2nd birthday today. Little Miss spoilt him with an extra bit of meat for his dinner.

So, on to all things tiny. Here are our winners this week (in no particular order)


It's a very 'critter' heavy week this week! Thank you for all of your beautiful entries. Next week's tag is TT230 and the theme is shadow.

TT230 Oct 22 - Shadow
TT231 Oct 29 - Colour (again!)

Have a good one.


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