Flower ...........

 ............ Friday1_2019   (FF01_2019)

New supermarket flowers for FlowerFriday bought on the way home from Himself's hospital appointment.

 Great news - his incision is healing extremely well (it's only been three weeks) and, after a dopplar ultrasound, the left carotid artery has gone from 90% stenosis to (as far as they can tell) 0% stenosis - YAY!!!

The right carotid is what they call "moderate" which is around 50% blocked but that's for another day, in another universe (hopefully).

If there is such a thing as 200% (and I'm not sure you CAN have 200% in reality) then he now has 150% good instead of only 60% good which has to be ..................... good!!!!!

All happy in the BikerBear household this weekend.

~ Anni ~

Backblipped Sunday 3 November for Friday 1 November 2019 after a very long week "a-missioning" all over the place.

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