What that cooking in my kitchen?

I’d stopped making cakes for everyone’s birthday at work because there are so many of them now - I’d be baking every week.

But when your mate who sit next to you turns forty you really have to make an effort!

Tonight I started with a lemon sponge - my oven was too hot and I really struggled to get it out the tray - and it was a bit overdone on the top.

While it had been in the oven - I started on the Swiss roll!

That’s the Swiss roll inside the tea towel. I’m feart to open it. I have no idea how it will look.

So I decided to start another one ... in case neither could be saved

That one is out the oven and looks dandy; but while it was cooking I think I’ve saved the other one!

There’s gonna be a load of cake in the office tomorrow!

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