
Sunny day. Basil and I took advantage of it by driving to Jubilee Wood to see the beech trees in Autumn foliage. I went with the specific intention of practicing multi exposure in camera and forswore my trusty 24-70mm lens in favour of my 28-300mm. It's heavy but beats having to carry two lenses and trying to change them in a muddy wood.

It was muddy underfoot. Leaves were falling fast. The trees will probably be bare in two weeks. We were in time to catch some low light illuminating trees from the side, which is so  much more interesting than full frontal sun.

We detoured by the upper wall although it was still sticky going finally reaching the edge of the Outwoods, where a timber company is chopping down the pine trees and moving the logs to the entrance. It was a no go area with heavy plant and a red tape across the path.

Basil did meet a couple of dogs but given that I only make slow progress these days, we turned back into Jubilee Wood and found a dryer path.

I made this photo towards the end. It is a multi exposure of the bracken and saplings against a background of the woodland. 

Len and Basil joined me for a trip to Ashby where I went for my regular podiatry treatment. Basil had a good run on the recreation ground while I was having my feet curated. We met in The Lamb pub afterwards. A quick tour of M&S food hall to find gluten free goodies, then home.

Choir tonight. The concert will be on Saturday week.

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