EB Tree

On the go from 8.20 am to 8.20 pm when I called it a day! My son and his family have now completed their move. The two little ones are bathed and tucked up for the night but I left their mummy and daddy still trying to establish some order to their living spaces. But I'm pooped (as are they) and my back hurts, so I decided enough is enough. So it's a glass of wine while I post my blip and then an early night for me. Tomorrow is Sunday - a day of rest. I plan to do just that..... and maybe get out with my camera :)

My blip was taken in the drizzle whilst walking the baby off to sleep. I didn't dare stop pushing the pushchair for long enough to take a photo with my 'proper' camera!

Today's blip for my b&w journal

Thanks very much for everything for yesterday and for your kind words about the move misadventure!

Ann :))

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