I. F. E. 10. M. ©

© Two Ronnies.

Some time ago, can not remember if it was before or after Alice - BUT - I "coined" a word, "craughing". You may have indulged & not known it; you know those events where you, simultaneously, feel like crying and laughing? Hence the word.

I'd never heard it, or of it, previously and consequently took personal credit - until - I heard somebody use it on the Radio.

Well - last night & today there was a bit of craughing. I'm writing this about 25 minutes after the 3rd anniversary of losing Alice; which may be why there has been some craughing and little photographing today.

Some time ago I found a few, accidentally dropped, stalks from a recent bunch of grapes, with a wizened grape still attached.
Just for fun I thought I'd try a couple of DIY Raisins. I balanced a stem + these 3, above the computer.
Behold DIY Rasins, their completion somewhat curtailed since:-
I. F. E. 10. M. ©
BTW. Anything resembling Penicillium mould is a trick of the light - I DID check.

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