That mill

A sunny day! Much needed sunshine. However, I wasn't feeling like a little ray of sunshine today, as my cold has arrived in earnest. This seems to be the same way round that Mr A suffered it. First the cough, and then the head cold. It's odd. 99 times out of a 100 with me it's the other way round. But luckily I don't actually feel too bad - or not thus far. It's just that I'm inconvenienced by being a snot factory (sorry, too much detail). But it hasn't stopped me getting on with all the practical things that I've set aside to be completed this week. The to do list continues to go down.

I persuaded Mr A to pop out for a walk, which took us via the Marine Parade Wall eventually to Milk for a coffee and a bun/scone/piece of cake (as you wish). I hung around there for a little while working on my laptop after Mr A had gone home. It was nice to have a change of scene.

Hoping I'm up to an enforced change of scene tomorrow as I have to go to work (although first I have a skype first thing in the morning). I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow.... But I put a positive thought in the extras to try and keep me going.

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