Discarded Dereliction

A damp and dismal day.  Not raining but looked as if it would at any moment.  I had a session in the gym, then a bit of shopping before heading out towards Wendover.  I wanted to take a closer look at some dereliction I noticed the other day - having passed it many times for a very long time! How did I not notice?  It looked like a jumble of chicken sheds left to rot, plus various huts, but I couldn't really get close enough to see exactly what was what. Everything is very overgrown and there's no evidence of anything happening on the site - it's not an area where I would expect a vast housing estate to spring up.  I'll keep an eye on it.  Just in case something is about to happen I captured a few momentos.  Can't beat a bit of dereliction!

Now to consider plans for the next camera club competition.

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