Amser mam-gu

Amser mam-gu ~ Grandmother time

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Ym mis Ionawr byddwn ni'n brysur yn edrych ar ôl Zoe tua thair gwaith yr wythnos tan mae hi’n dechrau ar y feithrinfa ym mis Chwefror.  Y tro hwn aethon ni â hi adref oherwydd roeddwn ni'n meddwl y basai fe'n haws i edrych ar ei hol hi yn ein tŷ ni ein hunain. Roedd hi'n llawer o hwyl. Aethon ni â hi i'r pentref i fynd i'r siopau a chaffi hefyd.  Roedd e'n well inni fod yn ein hamgylchedd ein hunain ac roedd Zoe yn hapus iawn hefyd.

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In January we will be busy looking after Zoe about three times a week until she starts nursery in February. This time we took her home because we thought it would be easier to look after her in our own house. It was a lot of fun. We took her to the village to go to the shops and also a café. It was better for us to be in our own environment and Zoe was very happy too.

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