Not bracken

To those who have told me over the years that ferns are just bracken I would say 'Does this fern look like bracken?'

This unusual evergreen fern is Blechnum fluviatile, from New Zealand and Tasmania. It's reasonably hardy and I hope it will do well at the sheltered end of my new fern bed. 

It's a really grotty day today - mist down over the hills and persistent light rain. I don't think that the street lights have gone off all day, it's so gloomy. This is by way of an Emergency Blip, growing as it is only  a few yards from the front door. I was hoping to do some work outside today as Mrs M has taken Daughter Two back to Edinburgh and even the cats are asleep in the bedroom and ignoring me, but I'll wait to see what tomorrow brings! 

Time, I think, to put my feet up, have a nice cup of tea, a couple of Brandy Beans and settle down to re-re-watch an episode of The Waltons on DVD. What! You never liked The Waltons?

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