Lama o Bhutan

Lama o Bhutan ~ Lama from Bhutan

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Dros y penwythnos cawson ni ein Lama ymweld cyntaf i Drala Jong. Mae Wangchuk Rinzin Rinpoche un dod o Bhutan ond mae e'n ym Mhrydain yn gweithio ar ei draethawd ymchwil PhD mewn ieithyddiaeth Bhutanese.  Roedd e'n dda iawn cwrdd â fe ac yn cael cyfle siarad â fe am Fwdhaeth, Bhutan ac ieithoedd hefyd.

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Over the weekend we had our first visiting Lama to Drala Jong. Wangchuk Rinzin Rinpoche is from Bhutan but is in the UK working on his PhD thesis in Bhutanese linguistics. He was really good to meet him and have a chance to talk to him about Buddhism, Bhutan and languages too.

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*A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Dzongkha: Variation in Final Nasals and Rhotics (

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