bedroom 2, 8' 1" x 13' 6"

We didn't find out that the carpetière was promised to us between noon and 6pm until mid-morning, so I had rushed to silence and stay the moving/rattling/squeaking floorboards on the landing first thing before heading up to the loft to reconstitute the three Trofast units and join two of them back together; the third was previously attached to the top of the other two in two locations but the roof truss height would block too many of the openings, so they'll sit side by side where the loft's original shelves sat. After the carpet had been laid and then leftover fluff hoovered I finally got to do what is hopefully the last of the heavy furniture shifting and shifted the big chest of drawers into what is now our room, returned our mattress to its bedframe after two weeks sleeping on the floor and retrieved the wardrobe from beneath the sofa, completing it's restoration just as the kids came home.

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