
Another office day....with a growing sense of being at a whacky scenario planning workshop where we’re all on the table asked to do the option where we  ‘think the unthinkable’! Apparently we could be in Italy's position in 3 weeks time....travel locked down and everything closed. Almost impossible to think through all the ramifications even just for the Uni.
After work went over to hear more about the proposed new Filmhouse building planned for Festival Sq. Lots of talk amongst the people there about the impact of the virus....after all the film festival is scheduled for June, the International Festival has its launch next week etc. Chatted mainly to JC and SB but also good to see FH and hear how their planning is going.
The scheme is ambitious and I wonder if it will get planning permission, but would certainly be an improvement on their current premises!
Home later than I expected and just slumped and caught up on Bake Off....need to switch off from all the thinking!

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