Instead of knitting

The two local shops, 4 miles away, are now offering a delivery service, which is a great idea. We can also phone in an order and pick it up ourselves.  We have always used these shops on the basis of 'use them or lose them', and I'm so glad we have! We got the local newspaper added to John's order today. Good to see what is happening round about! 

Mike joined Lottie and me this afternoon for our daily exercise. A lovely sunny day, a bit of a breeze, and it was almost like summer. Part of me felt so happy, as if we were on holiday, while there was a huge guilt of feeling this way while so many people are having such an awful time of it. 

It's been a day for getting things done though, the bedclothes washed and line dried, apple and cinnamon muffins baked and mostly eaten, a tidy of the front garden, Lottie medicated for worms, fleas and ticks and some family phone calls. Oh, and a glass heart cut out. The birds are so much easier, three pieces rather than five! 

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