A Tiny Mess

A less serious shot than yesterday then, just in case I overload you all. ;-)

The theme for today's Tiny Tuesday is "Your Junk Drawer", and in any case the weather has harkened to the dry sobbing of the yellowing table tennis'd grass in the back garden and is liberally watering it better.

I don't have a junk drawer, and it would be rude of me (and potentially life threatening) to show you Janet's. I do have a round tuit though, and it holds several items that needed the dust blowing off. When I have time...

There is no reasonable excuse for keeping a 32MB compact flash card. Neither do I own anything that uses an xD card. The torpedo magnets have located some keys I probably have no idea the fit of, and a small hat-bell...

I will never get a round tuit. Except of course, I have.

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