Adam's Images

By ajt


Another busy day, got lots of work done, not enough to make up for yesterday's loss of half a billable day, but I'm not too far behind now.

After work I tried to take a few pictures in the garden, one or two came out okay, but I think this chive flower was my favourite. I'm getting the hang of RawTherapee and able get the most out of the raw images before they are even loaded into GIMP. The latest version of RawTherapee can even handle the latest Canon CR3 format, which means when I buy a new camera I'll be able to import the pictures. At the moment the latest version isn't in Debian stable, but when the next release comes out (some time next spring) I'll be able to use it.

Technically we are not locked down in our part of France, we are allowed out and up to 100 km from home and for as many times as we want per day! The beaches and parks are all still closed, as are many shops and the schools, but more things are open than before and we don't need a piece of paper to travel now. If it's nice at the weekend we may even go for a bike ride - if I can remember how...!

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