
Well, it's been a day of reflections in more ways than one . 

I got asked  by the BBC to reflect on early childhood experiences in a TB sanatorium. The telephone interview was scheduled for this morning.

Once upon a time, like a few months ago, this would have meant a trip into Glasgow or Edinburgh to one of their studios. Today it was a case of a makeshift sound studio in my bedroom under a sheet, surrounded by a duvet and cushions to dampen background sound.

That was the easy bit. Oh yes it was being doubly recorded and I got a computer link like for a zoom meeting ( again a few months go this would have meant nothing to me).
OK that worked fine.

The interview itself went  smoothly and in theory all I had to do was upload it to Dropbox and send a link to the BBC journalist.
Thats when the problems started- the file was huge , half a GB and in top quality and my iPhone ran out of storage/conversion space.

Yes I succeeded in the end ( for techie people I compressed the wav file into a zip file which I had downloaded from  iCloud).
Well, it got me reflecting that its time I upgraded my iPhone and the realisation that  each day we seem to be moving more and more into a virtual world.

Photo: Airthrey loch, Stirling university.

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