
By scribbler

I voted!

Almost forgot!

Thank goodness Portland has mail-in paper ballots.
Tomorrow is Election Day, so it's too late to mail my ballot, but it was easy to drop it off at the library. 

Happy to support my excellent U.S. Senator and my excellent Congresswoman. 

At the P.O., there was a letter from our orange Commander-In-Tweet reminding me that he had just sent me a $1,200 check to help with coronavirus hardships, reminding me what a wonderful fellow he is. The check also had The Donald's name on it in big block letters, despite the fact that it came from the U.S. Treasury and the credit goes to Nancy Pelosi.

I can't wait for the next election, when I will proudly exercise my rights as an American and help to vote this fool out of our highest office ... God willing! It will take us many years to undo the harm he has done to our government. Not to mention the many people who will have died from Covid-19 because of his failure to exercise proper leadership.

Sorry for the rant, but I weep that the democracy I grew up in — a shining light among the nations, an ideal to be emulated — has been demolished by a lying rogue.

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